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Monday, June 27, 2011

Breaking Through "What Ifs" and "What Could Have Been"

Been on a crossroad? Turn between this and that?  Well, I have!  It was choosing between letting go and holding on.  And this is what I've learnt, "one must find the courage to tread beyond the perimeters of perceived comfort zones".  Goodness! it's a real challenge thus the "COURAGE"!!!  

Thankfully, I made it.  I am now working in an environment that allows me to do things that I could not have done before.  No "what ifs" and "what could have been" as my doubts are cleared.  I have proven that my capabilities are building each day.  It is a matter of exposing myself to various challenges in life, instead of being confined in a box that is so limiting.

It is hoped that by reading this YOU will also find YOUR COURAGE!


Friday, February 18, 2011

Life's a Miracle

Life indeed is a miracle.  I have witnessed this in my nephew who was born prematurely. He was only a little over five (5) months and weighed 770 grams at birth.  The complexities of his birth necessitates that he stays in the neonatal intensive care unit for about three (3) months now.  Amazing as it is, our little angel survived.  He is now ready to be released from the hospital and finally be home with us.  

Looking back, the hurdles my nephew has to overcome was truly beyond imagining.  There was a time when he was about to undergo surgery due to some lung problem.  But, days after he was able to pull through.  Inexplicably, x-ray revealed that his lungs were normal so the doctors decided to forgo with surgery.  Then, there was a problem on his breathing.  The feeding also became a challenge.  And there were several other difficulties but then again his will to live was so strong that he was able to triumph over these challenges.

As a family, this has brought us closer.  I have come to realize that as one we can indeed move mountains.  Our hospital bill reaches over one million pesos (P1.0M+) and yet we are able to settle half of it.  This is despite the fact that we are only an average family living within our means.  A million in hospital bill is more than beyond us.  But, it did not waver our faith knowing that we are not alone in this fight.  To this day we continue to find ways and means to raise enough to fully pay off our obligation.  

We are also genuinely grateful for all those who have graciously offered prayers and  generously extended financial support for our little boy.  These have afforded my nephew a chance to live.

These are the miracles I have witnessed and I am sharing it with you.  This is with the hope that it will inspire you as well.  

I have a favor to ask though.  Please continue to pray for my nephew.  I know his battle isn't over just yet.

God bless us all!